Thursday, August 27, 2015

Thursday, August 13, addendum

One thing I forgot to include in this day's adventures was the waterfalls that went up.

You already know about the incredible winds we had that day.  At the moon earthcache, when we got out of the van, we either had to run forward to stop or be blown off balance.  Once you figured it out, it was funny.

Jóhann had told us about waterfalls that went the wrong way, but didn't think we would actually see it.  He was pleasantly surprised to have us witness this happening.  Mike had not seen it on previous trips here, either.  I guess the wind was truly strong.

Here are some photos I took.  They don't really tell the story because they are still photos.  I'll add a few links to youtube videos as well.

The water didn't get to the ground

Here's a link to a short clip showing the strength of the wind - I suspect that's a determined geocacher up there?

Here's a link to a longer video done during a hurricane at the waterfalls Liz and I were able to walk behind on our visit.  Hard to believe that the volume of water we saw coming over the falls could have that happen.  Again, a few determined cachers out there? 

Here it is as Liz and I saw it.
Not a hurricane day
Another note before I forget - we received a report two days after switching the van that the entire problem was due to a computer problems in the van.  A computer was running our van?  That's as mind-boggling to me as my first blog or learning to Skype.  I need to get younger so that I have time to learn all these things.

Yes, there will be other things I forget/got and will add them as I remember them.

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