Thursday, August 6, 2015

I'm up early this morning. The room was so warm I couldn't sleep, and by the time I figured out how to open the window, I was awake. Grabbed a few things and got out of the room in hopes that Liz could sleep on.

Lots of excitement on the trip so far and lots of information will have to be shared when I get home. I'm to busy having fun.

The highlight the first day was seeing the Mid-Atlantic could stand in the canyon and touch North America on one side and Euro-Asia on the other.  Completely mind boggling.

Yesterday's highlight was going down inside of a dormant volcano. Once in a lifetime experience. I will try to find words to describe it when I have time to write a lot. It was a 3 km walk to get there and we were fortunate enough to have glorious sunshine.

Today we fly to Grimsey Island and we have hard rain outside right now. I'm hoping it lessens by the time we get there so we can enjoy walking on the island. There should be basaltic columns there on the south end of the island.

Another interesting thing we did was walking to an island at low tide. It was like a scene out of Hitchcock's The Birds.

Today I so hope to see puffins.

Time to get ready to head out for our flight.

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