Tuesday, August 18, 2015

Home for 48 hours and the only real accomplishment was dealing with all of the "finds" for my earthcaches.  Note to self: never again go on vacation if there is an international event nearby and you own 9 earthcaches in the places every tourist wants to visit.  It means hours of matching up found logs and sent answers, and then responding to each of them with a little message.

That plus a bit of shopping for groceries was all I had accomplished until this afternoon.  Then I needed to get out, so did a walk around Woodard Bay checking on my caches out there.  Most were fine, a few needed covering, and one was full of water.  After the first few miles, I was suddenly weary, so the return trip went a bit slower.  I think I was so excited on the trip that I never stopped, and finally my body was asking me to take a break.

The only thing "bad" that happened was that I somehow managed to lose my US Sim card for the phone.  I know where I put it when I plugged in the Iceland one, and that container had popped open and the card was nowhere to be found.  If any of you sent me a text during the last few weeks, I didn't get it because everything got cleared when they put in the new one.

I hope to download photos this evening or tomorrow and then begin to write some stories of my incredible journey to Iceland.

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